MacSavers - Macintosh Repair in the DFW Area for over 25 years

Free Phone Support

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We Do Onsite & Remote Support

With the COVID-19 worries, we have adapted to help keep you and your Mac safe and healthy. We want to be your Mac Doctor. Having supported the DFW Mac community since 1991, we are fluent with hardware, software and networking. As artists and technicians, we use the exact same software you do on a daily basis.

How many times have you tried to explain your situation to someone only to get a canned response, or worse, a confused expression? Not everyone can understand the complexities of Photoshop, trying to upload a recently developed site when the network doesn’t cooperate or dealing with the issues of Microsoft Office. It can be very frustrating attempting to explain it to someone who doesn’t use the software you do and can just make the situation many times worse.

We Understand

Having started out as graphic artists who were left to take care of our own Macs to keep them running, we learned what it takes to get the most out of the Mac. Whether it is managing fonts or tweaking the network to get it working right, we’ve done it all.

Call us and tell us your situation. We will be patient and help solve your problems to get you back to working and earning again.

MacSavers - Macintosh Repair in the DFW Area for over 30 years


I have been a Mac user since 1985. During that time I have learned quite a bit about computers and some about how to fix them. I ended up going to 2 Apple stores and working with the senior technician in each store. They both said after running both the hardware and software Apple tests that I should get a new machine and that the modern Samsung SSD drive I had would probably not work with a 6 year old machine. Kevin instead felt the problem with the restarts were directly related to MalWare that got into my computer. So we installed Malwarebytes Anti-Malware, wiped clean the disc again, and then I reinstalled one by one Apps from trusted sources, reinstalled documents, then photos, etc, the problem has been solved! My niece says she can’t believe how fast and smoothly both her 7 year old iMac and 9 year old MacBook are running - “it’s a miracle”.

Howard Ehrman, MD, MPH

MacSavers - Macintosh Repair in the DFW Area for over 25 years

Our Services

By coming onsite, we see your situation in it’s natural state, which helps fix the problem right the first time, saving you time and aggravation. With our new Remote Support option, we can help you faster and without the worries of COVID-19 being an issue. You can also schedule a free pickup and delivery of your unit for problems that still require our personal attention. All units will be cleaned and disinfected before delivery. We even offer free initial phone support, you can’t go wrong. Check out our Service Policy to the right for more.

Overtime support would be any time after 6pm and before 9am weekdays and any time on weekends. Holidays are also not included in our normal support schedule, which include: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, July 4th, Labor Day, Thanksgiving and the day after Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve Day, Christmas, New Year's Eve Day. Any emergency work done on Holidays are billed at double the overtime rate.

We offer the following services, but are not limited to just these:

Onsite Service
Remote support
Phone Support
Complete Systems
Print and Web Projects
Pre-Employmnet Skills Testing
Individual Systems
Multiple Systems
Upgrades to Hardware and Software
Internet Setup (Cable/DSL/Modem)
Ethernet Cable Wiring Installation
Patch Panels
Local Area Networks
Wide Area Networks
Wireless Networks
Dual Environment (Mac/Windows)
All Major Graphic/PrePress Software
All Major Internet Design Software
All Associated Macintosh Hardware

Contract Options
We also offer contracts for those companies interested in trying to save money on their IT costs. In addition to the savings for onsite work, all phone support is free for contract clients.

Preferred Service Agreement Rates
  rate/hr total savings
10 hours $140 $1,400 $400
20 hours $120 $2,400 $1,200
50 hours $100 $5,000 $4,000
Onsite Support $180/hr
Overtime Onsite Support $270/hr
Holiday Onsite Support $540/hr
Remote Support *NEW $180/hr
Overtime Phone Support *NEW $270/hr
Holiday Phone Support *NEW $540/hr
Phone Support (free for the first 15 min., billed in 15 min. blocks.) $180/hr
Overtime Phone Support (free for the first 15 min., billed in 15 min. blocks.) $270/hr
Holiday Phone Support (billed in 15 min. blocks.) $540/hr

Our Service Policy

When you call, we will be happy to help you as quickly as possible and be pleasant at all times. All initial phone calls are free. If we cannot resolve your problem quickly over the phone, usually within the first fifteen(15) minutes, then we will either schedule an appointment with you, we can connect to your Mac via remote, or you can choose to continue the call at our phone rates.

When we schedule an appointment, we will always strive to be on time, courteous and efficient. You will not be billed if we cannot finish the work for any reason. If your repair requires warranty work, we will personally take the unit to be repaired and return it to you.

While we don’t know everything, and no one does, we won’t say "I don’t know" and just leave. We will instead say "I can check that for you if you like" and give you the option. We want to be your first and last call for Macintosh repair and we will do everything we can to be just that.

MacSavers - Macintosh Repair in the DFW Area for over 25 years
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Free Phone Support

No, we’re not crazy. If we can get you back up and running within a few minutes, then it leaves us available for the big jobs. If it takes longer than fifteen (15) minutes, we charge $80 per hour (in 15 minute increments) or it might be something we need to come to you and take a look at. But the first fifteen (15) minutes over the phone is always free to you.

So, if you have a question, call us. We’re happy to help and get you back up and running as quickly as possible.


MacSavers - Macintosh Repair in the DFW Area for over 30 years